It’s hard to decide what I j’deteste most about winter. Is it the pasty skin? The ubiquity of sleeping bag-like coats? The depressing storage of all my cute open-toed shoes? Yes, all of the above. But personally, I hate this season because it’s pure murder on my hair, darlings. Between the dry air and having no choice but to heat style your tresses every single day–lest your wet hair freezes and snaps off–one can easily look like a poodle come springtime.
But I’ve found perhaps the only product to truly heal hideous winter hair, Bosley Professional Healthy Hair Moisture Masque, $40, only at high end salons. If your locks are thick, coarse or color treated, slather this on for five minutes–use the time to RSVP for fashion week fetes–rinse and enjoy tresses that would turn even Leighton Meester green with envy….
The post Ooh La Luxe: Bosley’s Hair Moisture Masque appeared first on Gossip Girl.